
My second week in Cork - Maria

Hi guys, welcome back to my blog!


Wow... another week is already over and that means halftime for my trip. I had an amazing week! I spent most of my freetime with 4 girls from germany who are also here with the Erasmus+ Programme. Esther and Danine are here for 4 weeks like Isi and me and Hannah & Jule are here for 6 months. From Monday to Thursday we did not do anything special except work and I did my sport stuff again. On Friday we ate dinner with the girls and had an ice cream afterwards. On Saturday we took the bus CobhConnect to Cobh and spent our day there with them. We visited the Spike Islands, where there was a prison many years ago. After that we took the bus back home, ate dinner and fell asleep very quickly. On Sunday we all did a Paddywagontour to the Ring of Kerry together. We had a lot of fun and it was an amazing view but very exhausting since it was from 8.15am to 7 pm. 

After two weeks I know the city and my area pretty well but in the beginning GoogleMaps was really my best friend. I still have to use it sometimes tho;) But my sense of direction is not the best soooo... 


I really have a great time here and try to enjoy every second (but definitely not doing our groceries haha).


Anyways I am really happy to have such an awesome opportunity and I am looking forward to tell you about the next two weeks.


See you soon!

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Graham Crewe (Friday, 22 July 2022 18:03)

    I’m wondering what your Irish accents are going to be like. Or has your German accent simply become more German? �


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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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