About Us

We are students from HAK1 Salzburg. We are all 17-19 years old and next year we will graduate from school. As part of our studies we have to do 300 hours of work experience. We have taken the opportunity to improve our foreign language skills whilst working by doing our internships abroad. 
We have the opportunity to work all over the EU - and further afield. Since the start of this project work placements have taken place in Barcelona, Malta, Dublin, Cork, Seville, Madrid, Rotterdam, Crete, Helsinki, Romania, Bulgaria, London, Brighton, Oxford... 

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Bundeshandelsakademie I Salzburg 

Johann-Brunauer-Straße 4

5020 Salzburg, Austria

phone: +43 662 433 136-0

fax: +43 662 433 136-101

e-mail: office@bhak1.at

UID: ATU 66062333


Graham Crewe: graham.crewe@bhak1.at

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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