
Summer 2022

For the first time this year we have students going to two different destinations in Ireland for their work placements.

You can follow their adventures on their blog here.

Marie, Isi and Maria will be in Cork for the summer.

While Jonas, Samuel, Lea and Joshua will be in Dublin.

Summer 2021

Bettina and Philip will be heading off to do their internships in Dublin, Ireland this summer. Following her internship, Betty will be staying on to attend university. Big steps forward!!!

Summer 2019

The vibrant city of Dublin was added to our list of destinations for 2019. Jana and Kathi had a great time on their internships in the city. They were really excited to be the first students from our school to take the opportunity to explore Dublin with Erasmus+.


Bundeshandelsakademie I Salzburg 

Johann-Brunauer-Straße 4

5020 Salzburg, Austria

phone: +43 662 433 136-0

fax: +43 662 433 136-101


UID: ATU 66062333


Graham Crewe:

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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