The UK

Now that the UK has left the EU it is no longer possible for participants to do work placements there. We are seeing this as an opportunity: it forces our students to be a little braver and go to a country where they perhaps have to depend on other language skills.

Summer 2019

Julia, Christina, Andreas, Nina, Annika, Stefan, Andjela, Julian, Hannah and Daniel are all planning for their internships in Brighton this summer. We are really excited to find out what opportunities they are going to be given.

This year we are also pleased to have found a new agency which offers the possibility of internships in one of the world's great capital cities, London.

Osman, Halitcan, Luca and Marco are looking forward to their internships in London.

At the time of writing, Angelina has just heard that she will be interviewed by Skype next week for an internship with a business in Oxford.

Summer 2018

Amila and Julia are working in Britain's coolest (figuratively hopefully not literally) city, Brighton. Michael, on the other hand, will be a few miles north in the metropolis of London.



  • to gain new experience
  • to improve language skills 
  • to meet new friends
  • to get to know another culture
  • to try local food
  • to learn how to be independent
  • to get more self-confidence
  • to have a nice family 
  • to try new things that are not possible in Austria


London Summer 2019


Bundeshandelsakademie I Salzburg 

Johann-Brunauer-Straße 4

5020 Salzburg, Austria

phone: +43 662 433 136-0

fax: +43 662 433 136-101


UID: ATU 66062333


Graham Crewe:

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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